Experience 10% to 40% savings on your Google Ads account by using the same Insight that other Shifters' clients with Startup, Scale Up and Traditional Business profiles have used over the past 4 years.
Hello, my name is Fred Vila Verde. I'm the founder of Shifters. We're based here in São Paulo. Thank you so much for looking at this recording.
And basically, what we're going to show you is how you can get up to 40% savings in your Google Ads account.
For who is this presentation?
Founders, C-levels like CEOs, CMOs, anyone from the commercial team, Executives, or basically anyone who wants to get more savings from their Google Ads account.
This is also for Marketing teams who want to get more savings in countries like Brazil, Mexico, India, USA, even Taiwan. If you happen to have their campaigns, we can help you.
We recommend for you to have a minimum budget of 30k USD a month in Google Ads for this to really work for you. And if you happen to invest over half a million or even 1 million USD a month, then you happen to be our perfect customer.
So how does this work? How is the savings process? And for how long has this been tested?
If you want to save up to 40%, well, do know that we've tested this for over 4 years. I've been doing, actually, Performance Marketing for the past 21 years. And basically, we had a specific meeting offline, pre-pandemic, with one of our clients. And he said: "Well, this is happening in our CRM." And I said: "Well, if that is true, and then if you apply this and you press these buttons here in your Google Ads account, then you might just get some really good savings." The client said: "Are you talking seriously, Fred?" "Yeah, really. I think if you happen to press those buttons in that order, you might really get some good savings." We've named that Insight the Matrix Insight.
And basically, by pressing some of the right buttons in Google Ads, yes, you can get up to 40% savings. In some cases it is 10%, 20%, 30%, or 40%.
What happened is that the first 12 clients from Shifters, they've actually applied this. For the record, only 1 client out of 12 clients did not actually have success with this strategy. And I'll do the math for the odds for you. Currently, you have a 91.6% chance, or odds, of applying this to your case specifically, and to actually make it work.
And, by the way, the client actually did get more vision on the data after he applied everything we've said. And the only thing he said was: "Yeah, from a results perspective, it's not perfect." And we've actually used that input to further refine the strategy, so we can actually only onboard clients where this can actually be applied. So this is actually something good for you.
Also, this is not something that we believe that the machine learning from Google is using. It might be using, but with the information we have we believe that it is not using. But it's just a belief thing.
NDAs and confidentiality.
Well, we have several mutual NDAs. And for the record, yes, if you happen to work with us we're going to have to have a mutual NDA in place. The reason being: One, we don't want this Insight to go and show up on YouTube. Two, you want to make sure that you protect your information. So in order for us to be protected, we need to have a mutual NDA in place.
Now, the clients who have tested this, and we cannot disclose the exact savings amounts because of the NDAs we have, but we did ask for permission to at least disclose how much was the potential after the first audit, which usually takes like 48 hours. We're going to show this on the next slides. We're going to have five case studies.
And basically, do have in mind the following, okay? This Insight rolls in two stages. Stage one is to get more savings. Stage two is to get more revenue on top of those savings. So, the clients who have actually applied this, most of them, just want to focus on the savings because of the current market.
You have the winters for the startups. You have the CFOs asking for more savings. Some companies are cutting people. And when I say: "Hey, listen. If you want to be smart and creative, do use this because you can perhaps get some really net cash back into your financial accounts. And this will just make good ends meet".
What happens is that some of the clients will have savings, then they want to get more revenue. So without further ado, let's check some of the case studies we have prepared.
MaxMilhas, you might want to check them on SimilarWeb. They're one of the top websites here in Brazil for tourism. They were a company which we've worked with for 5 years here in Brazil. And this was our first official exit from Shifters. And basically, they were sold to one of their competitors and they got paid really well. The point is that they got 25% of the investment impacted by the Google Ads Matrix Insight.
We also have this franchise here in Brazil, from Rio de Janeiro. And basically, CCAA, they've been on the market for over sixty years. They've applied this and 34% of the investment was actually impacted by the Google Ads Matrix Insight.
Then we have a SaaS company, which works both in the USA and Brazil, Pipefy. They happened to apply this via their agency. And the agency in the US, they didn't even know that it was possible. So, imagine that you're working in the US, you have an agency, and the agency didn't even know this was possible. This is a true story. They've actually pressed some of those buttons and they got 40% of the investment, which was impacted.
By the way, all of this information has been corporately approved. So I've got emails from either CEO or the C-level from the team just allowing me to explain this A to Z.
And the agency from Brazil, they actually got 20% savings when using the Google Ads Matrix Insight.
We also have some hospitals in our portfolio, actually we have one. And they've applied this, 20% of the investment was impacted, and they have got some really good results.
Then you have a Remesa Online, billion-dollar valuation, 20% of the investment was impacted by the Google Ads Matrix Insight.
And then you have some other smaller clients. For example, this is a case of an Info Product client. And he actually applied this, and guess what? 38% of the investment was impacted by the Google Ads Matrix Insight.
Invius, they happen to sell things related to stock market options, and they really were successful in using this Insight.
So let's go in a nutshell, what is the savings opportunity you can get here. I'm going to do the simulation of the opportunity, and I'll do the math for you.
If you're spending 10K a month, 1K of potential savings per month, this means that you can save up to 12K in 12 months.
If you're currently spending 100K per month of investment in your Google Ads account, if you're getting the 10%, that should mean 10K of potential savings per month. In 12 months, it should be 120K.
If you happen to be currently spending 500K per month, then 10% of that should be 50K of potential savings per month. In 12 months, if you simulate and forecast that, you can consider 600K in potential savings in 12 months.
If you're currently spending 1 million per month, 100K of potential savings per month can mean up to 1.2 million in 12 months.
Now, if you do the same and you change it from 10% to 20%, this will go up to 24K, 240K, 1.2 million, or 2.4 million in 12 months based on this investment.
If you do this for the 30% savings, you might be getting 36K, 360K, 1.8 million, or 3.6 million in 12 months.
Or if you happen to have what we call the jackpot client, who actually gets 40% savings, you might end up saving 48K, 480K, 2.4 million, or 4.8 million.
Now, for whom this opportunity is not for.
It does not work for app campaigns and performance, Max. Sorry to disappoint you if you happen to be one of those clients.
So if you run an Ecommerce, do know that it does not work with XML campaigns.
In general, the more you scale investment, the better it works.
And disclaimer, we don't know for how long this will be available in the Google Ads platform. Google can always change its interface. If it does, you're not going to be penalized because we have a performance-based agreement. Where if Google actually changes, well, we're not going to get paid on that specific month for the savings which you did not get.
And for who is this for?
Well, it works really well for B2B. For B2B, it works really, really extremely well. So if you happen to be a SaaS company, or if you happen to be a service-based company, do give us a call and do book our agenda because it will work with extremely high probability.
B2C, it works. It works with both Search, Display and YouTube. Works for both SaaS, Info Products, Luxury Markets. For e-commerce, it just works less.
It works really well for text ads and video ads.
And disclaimer, again, we don't know if the Google Ads will actually work on the Google Ads platform for long. Google can always change its interface, so do have that in mind.
And some of the clients, like I said, when you apply phase one, you get savings. When you happen to apply the Insight and you scale it up, you get the benefits from phase two which is that you're going to get extra sales on top. And extra sales, these are not just good, these are not just sales. Usually, these are high LTV clients which you can actually close, but you don't know just how to do it. And by the way, this is for those who actually apply what we call Crossed Intelligence in a Smart Way. But I know the world is freaking out about AI. Do know that you're going to get this done without using AI. You're just going to use your smart brain. Sometimes old school just works. So although it is old school, guess what? It's been working and it's still working.
You are 100% responsible for applying our strategies correctly, even if you have your team or your agency. We'll just guide you on how to apply. We'll have some follow-up calls. We're going to cover that in a second.
But again, disclaimer, we don't know for how long this will be available in the Google Ads platform. Google can always change its interface.
Next steps, Mutual NDA and the audit. Let's go over the four steps.
Number one, you need to sign a Mutual NDA. If you don't like NDAs, well, sorry to disappoint you, but again, I don't think there's a fit for us in working together. But if you love NDAs and confidentiality, we're going to have to audit your Google Ads account. And we'll just tell you back how much potential you can save in up to 48 hours.
The next step is we're going to send you the contract for you to sign. Good news, the contract is 100% performance based. What this means is we're going to get your current Google Ads account and at the end of the month, we're going to see just how much savings you had. Let's say you didn't have savings or didn't implement it well in the first month. Whatever the reason, it passes to the second month. Let's assume on the second month that you get 20% savings on top, for example, of $100,000. On top of those $20,000, we're going to apply a specific percentage and that's the percentage which we're going to get.
So we will only get paid in one, in case you apply it. Two, in case you get the savings. And three, we'll only get paid after you get the savings. That's why we call this to be a net cash proposal. By net cash, I mean the following.
You go to your CFO and say: "Hey, I have a chance to save $200,000, or $20,000 a month, or $2,000 a month for the next 12 months. If I do this, will you be happy?" He says: "Yes." Then what happens is you're not signing a contract where you're going to pay someone to do this. You're actually going to pay after the savings are accrued into your Google Ads account. In other words, only after you actually reduce the expenses in Google Ads, it's only after that that you're going to have to outlay the cash and pay Shifters. Which is awesome.
We call this not just performance-based, but what we call this is basically a net cash proposal. It's like I'll put your net cash in the bank and once the cash shows up, only then is that you pay Shifters. It's a no-brainer deal. You're not going to get many of these, and you're not going to get many of these Insights given out in the future.
Again, there's confidentiality because we want to protect our intelligence. And if you just do the work well, then it should work.
Again, you sign the contract. Usually, this gets done from our legal team in up to seven days. And then we start explaining to you how the Matrix Insights work.
Basically, we have an onboarding call. This will be a Zoom-recorded call about the Matrix Insights. We're going to check it out. Just for you to have an idea, we have a 100 pages PDF, 50 to 100 pages, depending on which version we use. And we're going to show you exactly just how deep the Insight is. It takes 1 hour just to show all the slides. Then we're going to show the evidence in your own Google Ads account, just so you can see. "Yep, what we found here in 48 hours, it just shows up. There's a match." And only then you decide to actually roll it out. You can do it with your own team or with your agency.
And what happens is that we're going to have follow-up calls. So the contract, just for you to have an idea, works for 12 months. So for 12 months, we'll have access to your Google Ads account. We're going to do the follow-up on the calls with either your marketing team or agency, just to make sure that they are actually implementing the Insight. And we'll have that one-hour call for the next 11 months, just to make sure that you're actually getting results. And by that, I mean the more savings or perhaps in stage two, or phase two, the more revenue on top of those savings. So we've been having extremely happy clients.
And probably you don't know me, but just some final things about me. Again, I'm Fred Vila Verde. I'm the founder of Shifters. I'll just give you a quick recap on my story here in Brazil and specifically in São Paulo, which is exactly from where I'm doing this recording and exactly where I live.
So I worked at Netshoes. You probably don't know Netshoes, but if you type Netshoes in Google, you're going to find a few things. One, they were the first startup in Brazil to actually do an IPO in New York.
I was the head of Performance Marketing there. I led a team of 22 people. I was managing and responsible for two budgets, Netshoes and Zatini.
I built the team from scratch. They've delivered R$100 million just for Zatini. And then they went public after two years in 2017, with both Netshoes and Zatini together. I was doing the management of all the performance channels. That included, yes, Google Ads. That's one of my expertise.
Before the World Cup, I've helped the company to grow and I've passed some multiple strategies.
And, just to resume, I actually got the award from the best professional in Ecommerce in the Afiliados Brasil event.
So you might want to go to sec.gov and check all the information listed here. I was the first foreigner to work at Netshoes. You're not going to see that listed there, but just telling it. And basically, I worked with them for two years. They went from R$55 negative EBITA to R$10.5 positive EBITA. That's why I'm telling you that I do understand a bit about savings. I've done this in the past. I worked there for two years, so I do know just how it works.
And from that, I went to build up Shifters. The first client was actually Netshoes. And from that, I began attending multiple clients from startups, scale-ups, even traditional companies who wanted to become digital. I've helped them a lot.
So if you happen to have any interest, just book a call. I am really looking forward to either myself or someone from my team speaking with you. This is a no-brainer decision.
Again, if you do want us to find you just how much savings you can get, it's going to be a no-brainer decision, I believe it. Just book the call. You'll either be speaking with me or someone from my team.
And that's it. So thank you so much for your attention and have a great day.
Experience 10% to 40% savings on your Google Ads account by using the same Insight that other Shifters' clients with Startup, Scale Up and Traditional Business profiles have used over the past 4 years.
Hello, my name is Fred Vila Verde. I'm the founder of Shifters. We're based here in São Paulo. Thank you so much for looking at this recording.
And basically, what we're going to show you is how you can get up to 40% savings in your Google Ads account.
For who is this presentation?
Founders, C-levels like CEOs, CMOs, anyone from the commercial team, Executives, or basically anyone who wants to get more savings from their Google Ads account.
This is also for Marketing teams who want to get more savings in countries like Brazil, Mexico, India, USA, even Taiwan. If you happen to have their campaigns, we can help you.
We recommend for you to have a minimum budget of 30k USD a month in Google Ads for this to really work for you. And if you happen to invest over half a million or even 1 million USD a month, then you happen to be our perfect customer.
So how does this work? How is the savings process? And for how long has this been tested?
If you want to save up to 40%, well, do know that we've tested this for over 4 years. I've been doing, actually, Performance Marketing for the past 21 years. And basically, we had a specific meeting offline, pre-pandemic, with one of our clients. And he said: "Well, this is happening in our CRM." And I said: "Well, if that is true, and then if you apply this and you press these buttons here in your Google Ads account, then you might just get some really good savings." The client said: "Are you talking seriously, Fred?" "Yeah, really. I think if you happen to press those buttons in that order, you might really get some good savings." We've named that Insight the Matrix Insight.
And basically, by pressing some of the right buttons in Google Ads, yes, you can get up to 40% savings. In some cases it is 10%, 20%, 30%, or 40%.
What happened is that the first 12 clients from Shifters, they've actually applied this. For the record, only 1 client out of 12 clients did not actually have success with this strategy. And I'll do the math for the odds for you. Currently, you have a 91.6% chance, or odds, of applying this to your case specifically, and to actually make it work.
And, by the way, the client actually did get more vision on the data after he applied everything we've said. And the only thing he said was: "Yeah, from a results perspective, it's not perfect." And we've actually used that input to further refine the strategy, so we can actually only onboard clients where this can actually be applied. So this is actually something good for you.
Also, this is not something that we believe that the machine learning from Google is using. It might be using, but with the information we have we believe that it is not using. But it's just a belief thing.
NDAs and confidentiality.
Well, we have several mutual NDAs. And for the record, yes, if you happen to work with us we're going to have to have a mutual NDA in place. The reason being: One, we don't want this Insight to go and show up on YouTube. Two, you want to make sure that you protect your information. So in order for us to be protected, we need to have a mutual NDA in place.
Now, the clients who have tested this, and we cannot disclose the exact savings amounts because of the NDAs we have, but we did ask for permission to at least disclose how much was the potential after the first audit, which usually takes like 48 hours. We're going to show this on the next slides. We're going to have five case studies.
And basically, do have in mind the following, okay? This Insight rolls in two stages. Stage one is to get more savings. Stage two is to get more revenue on top of those savings. So, the clients who have actually applied this, most of them, just want to focus on the savings because of the current market.
You have the winters for the startups. You have the CFOs asking for more savings. Some companies are cutting people. And when I say: "Hey, listen. If you want to be smart and creative, do use this because you can perhaps get some really net cash back into your financial accounts. And this will just make good ends meet".
What happens is that some of the clients will have savings, then they want to get more revenue. So without further ado, let's check some of the case studies we have prepared.
MaxMilhas, you might want to check them on SimilarWeb. They're one of the top websites here in Brazil for tourism. They were a company which we've worked with for 5 years here in Brazil. And this was our first official exit from Shifters. And basically, they were sold to one of their competitors and they got paid really well. The point is that they got 25% of the investment impacted by the Google Ads Matrix Insight.
We also have this franchise here in Brazil, from Rio de Janeiro. And basically, CCAA, they've been on the market for over sixty years. They've applied this and 34% of the investment was actually impacted by the Google Ads Matrix Insight.
Then we have a SaaS company, which works both in the USA and Brazil, Pipefy. They happened to apply this via their agency. And the agency in the US, they didn't even know that it was possible. So, imagine that you're working in the US, you have an agency, and the agency didn't even know this was possible. This is a true story. They've actually pressed some of those buttons and they got 40% of the investment, which was impacted.
By the way, all of this information has been corporately approved. So I've got emails from either CEO or the C-level from the team just allowing me to explain this A to Z.
And the agency from Brazil, they actually got 20% savings when using the Google Ads Matrix Insight.
We also have some hospitals in our portfolio, actually we have one. And they've applied this, 20% of the investment was impacted, and they have got some really good results.
Then you have a Remesa Online, billion-dollar valuation, 20% of the investment was impacted by the Google Ads Matrix Insight.
And then you have some other smaller clients. For example, this is a case of an Info Product client. And he actually applied this, and guess what? 38% of the investment was impacted by the Google Ads Matrix Insight.
Invius, they happen to sell things related to stock market options, and they really were successful in using this Insight.
So let's go in a nutshell, what is the savings opportunity you can get here. I'm going to do the simulation of the opportunity, and I'll do the math for you.
If you're spending 10K a month, 1K of potential savings per month, this means that you can save up to 12K in 12 months.
If you're currently spending 100K per month of investment in your Google Ads account, if you're getting the 10%, that should mean 10K of potential savings per month. In 12 months, it should be 120K.
If you happen to be currently spending 500K per month, then 10% of that should be 50K of potential savings per month. In 12 months, if you simulate and forecast that, you can consider 600K in potential savings in 12 months.
If you're currently spending 1 million per month, 100K of potential savings per month can mean up to 1.2 million in 12 months.
Now, if you do the same and you change it from 10% to 20%, this will go up to 24K, 240K, 1.2 million, or 2.4 million in 12 months based on this investment.
If you do this for the 30% savings, you might be getting 36K, 360K, 1.8 million, or 3.6 million in 12 months.
Or if you happen to have what we call the jackpot client, who actually gets 40% savings, you might end up saving 48K, 480K, 2.4 million, or 4.8 million.
Now, for whom this opportunity is not for.
It does not work for app campaigns and performance, Max. Sorry to disappoint you if you happen to be one of those clients.
So if you run an Ecommerce, do know that it does not work with XML campaigns.
In general, the more you scale investment, the better it works.
And disclaimer, we don't know for how long this will be available in the Google Ads platform. Google can always change its interface. If it does, you're not going to be penalized because we have a performance-based agreement. Where if Google actually changes, well, we're not going to get paid on that specific month for the savings which you did not get.
And for who is this for?
Well, it works really well for B2B. For B2B, it works really, really extremely well. So if you happen to be a SaaS company, or if you happen to be a service-based company, do give us a call and do book our agenda because it will work with extremely high probability.
B2C, it works. It works with both Search, Display and YouTube. Works for both SaaS, Info Products, Luxury Markets. For e-commerce, it just works less.
It works really well for text ads and video ads.
And disclaimer, again, we don't know if the Google Ads will actually work on the Google Ads platform for long. Google can always change its interface, so do have that in mind.
And some of the clients, like I said, when you apply phase one, you get savings. When you happen to apply the Insight and you scale it up, you get the benefits from phase two which is that you're going to get extra sales on top. And extra sales, these are not just good, these are not just sales. Usually, these are high LTV clients which you can actually close, but you don't know just how to do it. And by the way, this is for those who actually apply what we call Crossed Intelligence in a Smart Way. But I know the world is freaking out about AI. Do know that you're going to get this done without using AI. You're just going to use your smart brain. Sometimes old school just works. So although it is old school, guess what? It's been working and it's still working.
You are 100% responsible for applying our strategies correctly, even if you have your team or your agency. We'll just guide you on how to apply. We'll have some follow-up calls. We're going to cover that in a second.
But again, disclaimer, we don't know for how long this will be available in the Google Ads platform. Google can always change its interface.
Next steps, Mutual NDA and the audit. Let's go over the four steps.
Number one, you need to sign a Mutual NDA. If you don't like NDAs, well, sorry to disappoint you, but again, I don't think there's a fit for us in working together. But if you love NDAs and confidentiality, we're going to have to audit your Google Ads account. And we'll just tell you back how much potential you can save in up to 48 hours.
The next step is we're going to send you the contract for you to sign. Good news, the contract is 100% performance based. What this means is we're going to get your current Google Ads account and at the end of the month, we're going to see just how much savings you had. Let's say you didn't have savings or didn't implement it well in the first month. Whatever the reason, it passes to the second month. Let's assume on the second month that you get 20% savings on top, for example, of $100,000. On top of those $20,000, we're going to apply a specific percentage and that's the percentage which we're going to get.
So we will only get paid in one, in case you apply it. Two, in case you get the savings. And three, we'll only get paid after you get the savings. That's why we call this to be a net cash proposal. By net cash, I mean the following.
You go to your CFO and say: "Hey, I have a chance to save $200,000, or $20,000 a month, or $2,000 a month for the next 12 months. If I do this, will you be happy?" He says: "Yes." Then what happens is you're not signing a contract where you're going to pay someone to do this. You're actually going to pay after the savings are accrued into your Google Ads account. In other words, only after you actually reduce the expenses in Google Ads, it's only after that that you're going to have to outlay the cash and pay Shifters. Which is awesome.
We call this not just performance-based, but what we call this is basically a net cash proposal. It's like I'll put your net cash in the bank and once the cash shows up, only then is that you pay Shifters. It's a no-brainer deal. You're not going to get many of these, and you're not going to get many of these Insights given out in the future.
Again, there's confidentiality because we want to protect our intelligence. And if you just do the work well, then it should work.
Again, you sign the contract. Usually, this gets done from our legal team in up to seven days. And then we start explaining to you how the Matrix Insights work.
Basically, we have an onboarding call. This will be a Zoom-recorded call about the Matrix Insights. We're going to check it out. Just for you to have an idea, we have a 100 pages PDF, 50 to 100 pages, depending on which version we use. And we're going to show you exactly just how deep the Insight is. It takes 1 hour just to show all the slides. Then we're going to show the evidence in your own Google Ads account, just so you can see. "Yep, what we found here in 48 hours, it just shows up. There's a match." And only then you decide to actually roll it out. You can do it with your own team or with your agency.
And what happens is that we're going to have follow-up calls. So the contract, just for you to have an idea, works for 12 months. So for 12 months, we'll have access to your Google Ads account. We're going to do the follow-up on the calls with either your marketing team or agency, just to make sure that they are actually implementing the Insight. And we'll have that one-hour call for the next 11 months, just to make sure that you're actually getting results. And by that, I mean the more savings or perhaps in stage two, or phase two, the more revenue on top of those savings. So we've been having extremely happy clients.
And probably you don't know me, but just some final things about me. Again, I'm Fred Vila Verde. I'm the founder of Shifters. I'll just give you a quick recap on my story here in Brazil and specifically in São Paulo, which is exactly from where I'm doing this recording and exactly where I live.
So I worked at Netshoes. You probably don't know Netshoes, but if you type Netshoes in Google, you're going to find a few things. One, they were the first startup in Brazil to actually do an IPO in New York.
I was the head of Performance Marketing there. I led a team of 22 people. I was managing and responsible for two budgets, Netshoes and Zatini.
I built the team from scratch. They've delivered R$100 million just for Zatini. And then they went public after two years in 2017, with both Netshoes and Zatini together. I was doing the management of all the performance channels. That included, yes, Google Ads. That's one of my expertise.
Before the World Cup, I've helped the company to grow and I've passed some multiple strategies.
And, just to resume, I actually got the award from the best professional in Ecommerce in the Afiliados Brasil event.
So you might want to go to sec.gov and check all the information listed here. I was the first foreigner to work at Netshoes. You're not going to see that listed there, but just telling it. And basically, I worked with them for two years. They went from R$55 negative EBITA to R$10.5 positive EBITA. That's why I'm telling you that I do understand a bit about savings. I've done this in the past. I worked there for two years, so I do know just how it works.
And from that, I went to build up Shifters. The first client was actually Netshoes. And from that, I began attending multiple clients from startups, scale-ups, even traditional companies who wanted to become digital. I've helped them a lot.
So if you happen to have any interest, just book a call. I am really looking forward to either myself or someone from my team speaking with you. This is a no-brainer decision.
Again, if you do want us to find you just how much savings you can get, it's going to be a no-brainer decision, I believe it. Just book the call. You'll either be speaking with me or someone from my team.
And that's it. So thank you so much for your attention and have a great day.
Benefits of Google Ads Matrix Insight
For Whom
CEOs, CMOs, COOs e VPs, Business People, Founders, Heads of Marketing, Marketing Managers e Marketing Coordinators.
Expected Results per Month
If you follow all of our recommendations, then you follow our matrix of potential savings in the Google Ads channel:
- Do you invest 50K per month? That's 5K to 20K of potential savings per month.
- You invest 100K per month? That's 10K to 40K potential savings per month.
- You invest 500K per month? There are 50K to 200K of potential savings per month.
- You invest 1M reais per month? That's 100K to 400K of potential savings per month.
Our Positioning
We work as partners. Clients pay us because we are result-oriented. We are not agencies. We are consultants.
Delivery Model
- We migrate intelligence to your internal team.
- We will hold 1 hour meeting explaining how Google Ads Matrix Insight works.
- After that, your internal team or Agency is responsible for executing.
- We only do follow-up calls to see if you are delivering the result.
Delivery Time
- 1 Hour to audit your account and the potential savings.
- 1 Hour to present the audit of your Google Ads account.
- 4 to 12 hours with Customized Monthly Follow-up Model to verify result delivery. Here it depends on the volume of investment and the level of follow-up you want among other variables.
Expected Results* by Client Type
- If you work with SAAS: 20% to 40% savings.
- If you work with Lead Generation: 20% to 40% savings.
- If you work with Info-Products: 20% to 40% savings.
- If you work with Marketplace: 10% to 20% savings.
- If you work with Ecommerce: 10% savings. (Does not work with XML)
*It may be less or it may be more, but it is a good range for you to consider. Remembering that we have the auditing process to validate what your savings would be.
Our differentials
We are the original authors of Google Ads Matrix Insight. We used over 20 years of paid media experience to create this insight. We didn't buy a book on Amazon. We didn't read an ebook. We didn't watch a free YouTube video. If you value results, accuracy and brain power, hire us. If you value anything that's free, don't contact us and don't hire us.
Performance Model with Skin In The Game
We will first audit your account to see the potential savings. If you don't have savings of up to 10%, 20%, 30% or 40% in the Google Ads channel, then you don't have to pay anything. It is a 100% offer on the Performance RISK. We just want you to be another case study.
Next Steps - Google Ads Audit
Schedule a no-obligation meeting. Let's get to know each other better.
We will then, with your authorization, do an audit to evaluate the economy.
If you have a fit for us to work together we will ask you to sign a Mutual NDA.
NDA is Mutual because we don't want this Insight to go to YouTube.
You gain data protection. We win by serving more clients.
Benefits of Google Ads Matrix Insight
For Whom
CEOs, CMOs, COOs e VPs, Business People, Founders, Heads of Marketing, Marketing Managers e Marketing Coordinators.
Expected Results per Month
If you follow all of our recommendations, then you follow our matrix of potential savings in the Google Ads channel:
- Do you invest 50K per month? That's 5K to 20K of potential savings per month.
- You invest 100K per month? That's 10K to 40K potential savings per month.
- You invest 500K per month? There are 50K to 200K of potential savings per month.
- You invest 1M reais per month? That's 100K to 400K of potential savings per month.
Our Positioning
We work as partners. Clients pay us because we are result-oriented. We are not agencies. We are consultants.
Delivery Model
- We migrate intelligence to your internal team.
- We will hold 1 hour meeting explaining how Google Ads Matrix Insight works.
- After that, your internal team or Agency is responsible for executing.
- We only do follow-up calls to see if you are delivering the result.
Delivery Time
- 1 Hour to audit your account and the potential savings.
- 1 Hour to present the audit of your Google Ads account.
- 4 to 12 hours with Customized Monthly Follow-up Model to verify result delivery. Here it depends on the volume of investment and the level of follow-up you want among other variables.
Expected Results* by Client Type
- If you work with SAAS: 20% to 40% savings.
- If you work with Lead Generation: 20% to 40% savings.
- If you work with Info-Products: 20% to 40% savings.
- If you work with Marketplace: 10% to 20% savings.
- If you work with Ecommerce: 10% savings. (Does not work with XML)
*It may be less or it may be more, but it is a good range for you to consider. Remembering that we have the auditing process to validate what your savings would be.
Our differentials
We are the original authors of Google Ads Matrix Insight. We used over 20 years of paid media experience to create this insight. We didn't buy a book on Amazon. We didn't read an ebook. We didn't watch a free YouTube video. If you value results, accuracy and brain power, hire us. If you value anything that's free, don't contact us and don't hire us.
Performance Model with Skin In The Game
We will first audit your account to see the potential savings. If you don't have savings of up to 10%, 20%, 30% or 40% in the Google Ads channel, then you don't have to pay anything. It is a 100% offer on the Performance RISK. We just want you to be another case study.
Next Steps - Google Ads Audit
Schedule a no-obligation meeting. Let's get to know each other better.
We will then, with your authorization, do an audit to evaluate the economy.
If you have a fit for us to work together we will ask you to sign a Mutual NDA.
NDA is Mutual because we don't want this Insight to go to YouTube.
You gain data protection. We win by serving more clients.
Case Studies
"Shifters has helped us a lot not only with the dashboards, but with the consulting itself. We were able to save 20% of the investments without losing efficiency in Google Ads with the cross insight. Moreover, we have more clarity about our data and improved the decision making and exact vision of what should be more explored, both for the FP and PJ initiative. In addition, there is a lot of exchange of experiences about scenarios and opportunities to be explored that has helped a lot in the day to day. I recommend the work of Shifters to everyone, they managed to deliver a much better vision of the business and improvements on several fronts."
Felipe Varanda, Growth Manager, Remessa Online - LinkedIn
"Transformation. Of people, of entire teams, of mindset, of vision. Not by chance this term, transformation, is part of the CCAA's purpose, when students see their lives changing because of learning a new language, and of Shifters itself. So it was a match. But Fred warned from the beginning: this process hurts. The onboarding was accelerated and already in the first cycle we achieved 30% savings with 50% more efficiency in prospect acquisition. Our beautiful experience with Shifters started based on one of its pillars: achieve maximum results with minimum resources. Simplify with focus. The growth work was designed objectively - from the solution of dashboards, the correction of a funnel that seemed dysfunctional and a better composition of the brand/performance mix - and subjectively, deepening in the structural issues of the business. The gain of the partnership is in what the outsider's vision adds to the board, the executives, and the teams in practical and conceptual terms. In the training of CCAA professionals, in Fred's ability as a true outlier in developing a complete individualized performance profile, and in his ability to quickly identify possible problems and attention points: the best way to find any solution."
Leo Dutra - Invius Founder - LinkedIn
Case Studies
"Shifters has helped us a lot not only with the dashboards, but with the consulting itself. We were able to save 20% of the investments without losing efficiency in Google Ads with the cross insight. Moreover, we have more clarity about our data and improved the decision making and exact vision of what should be more explored, both for the FP and PJ initiative. In addition, there is a lot of exchange of experiences about scenarios and opportunities to be explored that has helped a lot in the day to day. I recommend the work of Shifters to everyone, they managed to deliver a much better vision of the business and improvements on several fronts."
Felipe Varanda, Growth Manager, Remessa Online - LinkedIn
"Transformation. Of people, of entire teams, of mindset, of vision. Not by chance this term, transformation, is part of the CCAA's purpose, when students see their lives changing because of learning a new language, and of Shifters itself. So it was a match. But Fred warned from the beginning: this process hurts. The onboarding was accelerated and already in the first cycle we achieved 30% savings with 50% more efficiency in prospect acquisition. Our beautiful experience with Shifters started based on one of its pillars: achieve maximum results with minimum resources. Simplify with focus. The growth work was designed objectively - from the solution of dashboards, the correction of a funnel that seemed dysfunctional and a better composition of the brand/performance mix - and subjectively, deepening in the structural issues of the business. The gain of the partnership is in what the outsider's vision adds to the board, the executives, and the teams in practical and conceptual terms. In the training of CCAA professionals, in Fred's ability as a true outlier in developing a complete individualized performance profile, and in his ability to quickly identify possible problems and attention points: the best way to find any solution."
Leo Dutra - Invius Founder - LinkedIn
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This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc. Disclaimer: each testimonial client that you see is based on what our clients tell us. We don't verify their financial statements, we take their word on it. Getting results in building a business is hard, and each of our clients works really hard to get results. We don't guarantee any results and you should know that building a business and investing in marketing is a risk.